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Anyone entering the studio premises is expected to abide by these policies and guidelines. This includes but is not limited to independent contractors, contractors, students, parents, guardians, family members, friends and guests.



Class Determination:

Classes are determined by age for our recreational program.  Dancers must be selected age of class by September 5th of that current year.  All competitive classes will be determined by Owner/Staff, parents will not choose appropriate classes for their child once on competitive level.  

Virtual Office: 

The Studio operates a virtual office. We accept registrations and payments electronically, by check or venmo. Office administration is available by phone at times posted on our website. Otherwise all communication is by email to for face to face meetings, if required will be conducted by Zoom, Skype or in person.

Studio Accounts and Payment of Fees:

All studio accounts have one primary account holder. This is the account holder that registers and signs or electronically acknowledges the Informed Consent Agreement and Terms and Conditions on the registration form. This account holder will be the one considered financially responsible for the account. Any dancer with an overdue balance of more than 60 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received or payment arrangements have been made. Discounts offered are for immediate family members only. Studio Management will make the final decision regarding family discount eligibility.

Class Cancellations: 

Government mandated closures, closures for acts of nature such as snow storms or any other reason deemed necessary at the discretion of the Studio will be announced via email and posted on social media accounts. There is no discount or refund for cancelled or missed classes. In certain circumstances only related to government mandated closures that are beyond the control of the Studio, the Studio may at its sole discretion extend the dance year and/or offer a credit with expiry date. Zoom classes will also be an option in case in studio restrictions are placed.  Tuition will still be due in the instance classes are transition to fully remote.

Studio Attendance:

If dancers are out due to vacation or sickness we ask that parents log onto their portal and mark absences, this allows staff to be notified of why dancer is out.  After child is out 2 consecutive weeks an email will be sent to communicate why child has not been in class.  Attendance is important and children should be in class unless excused by covid or with a dr note. 

Unenrolling Procedure:

If dancer/family decides to unenroll a written notice is required 2 weeks prior to following month.  Failure to provide written notice will result in account being charged for following month. Tuition will not be refunded if family unenrolls in the middle of the month.  

Food and Drink: 

Food and drink are prohibited in all studios at all times unless otherwise directed by an instructor or teacher. Food and drink may be permitted in Lobby where indicated. However you are responsible for proper disposal of waste in the designated bins. FOOD and DRINK items MUST NOT BE DISPOSED OF IN THE WASHROOM. 


There is only  1 representative per student allowed in lobby.  Families will be asked to wait outside in car if more than 1.  We offer livestream viewing for our families waiting outside. We ask that dancer only arrive 5 minutes prior to class to avoid congestion in our new lobby.  

Year End Recital Costumes: 

Costume fees for the year end recital are non-refundable. Costume may only be picked up when the account is paid in full with no balance remaining. Costume price is $90 per class. 

Values – In-class and Performance Code of Conduct: 

We want your child’s studio experience to be instructional and fun-filled in an atmosphere that fosters growth in capability and self-confidence. To help us achieve these goals, please ensure you and your dancer are aware of the following studio values and in-class and administrative guidelines. All students and instructors are expected to display these values in their classes and performances.

Recital Fee:

There will be a $60 per child fee added to accounts on Decemeber 1st.  This fee is added to cover costs of Recital t-shirt.  This fee also includes professional action pictures day of show as well as dvd of entire performance. Along with that each dancer will recieve a participation metal at dress rehearsal or awards ceremony.  This payment is due in order to purchase recital tickets.  Recital tickets will only be purchased once accounts are PAID IN FULL.  No dancers will be eligible to purchase tickets until accounts are closed for the season.  Fee will be posted on December 10th and due by end of month.


Snow Days:

Email will be sent by 3:00pm, as well as posted on our facebook & Instagram story. Please check email prior to leaving home if unsure of cancellation.  Email will only be sent if class is cancelled.  We honor 1 snow day per class as a no makeup factored into the tuition this season.  We base our tuition on a 35 week season. If we have no snow days the season will consist of 1 extra week (36 weeks).  If we cancel class a second time due to snow there will be a makeup hosted at the nearest school vacation week 


Studio Calendar


September 11th- Classes begin 

October 1st- 2nd Tuition installment due

November 1st- 3rd Tuition Installment due 

November 10th- Costume deposit due 

November 21st-November 27th- No Classes Thanksgiving Break 

December 1st- 4th Tuition installment due

December 10th- $60 Recital fee due 

December 20th-January 2nd- No Classes Christmas Break 

January 1st- 5th Tuition installment due 

January 10th- Costume due in full 

February 1st- 6th Tuition installment due 

February 20th-25th- No Classes Winter Break 

March 1st- 7th Tuition installment due 

April 1st- 8th Tuition installment due 

April 17th-22nd- No Classes Spring Break 

May 1st- 9th Tuition installment due 

May 29th- No Classes Memorial Day

June 1st- 10th and final tuition installment due 

June 7th- Dress Rehearsal

June 8th- Recital Show 1 @ 1:00pm Show 2 @4:30pm




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